Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Math challenged

There!! I said it. I admit it. I am mathamatically challenged. Most artists are. Why do you think the term 'starving artist' is so appropo?

And my darling husband is no better. So our poor children don't get any decent math 'genes' from us. Which is sad for out darling daughters. Poor high school Junior daughter is wallowing in math at public school. As long as we could do it at our own slow pace at home we were just fine. But she is now where she has to do it according to the prescribed time line and she has a dork for a teacher. This poor man is a basketball coach and its obvious that if you aren't into sports then he is not into you. He also is not qualified to teach algebra 2. I don't mean certified. He is certified to teach anything but he sure is qualified to teach it. At any rate he found out the day before school started that he had to teach this class of algebra 2. He lost the kids on the first day. He rarely sends home any school work. They rarely do any problems from a book and the ones that he sends home he doesn't qualify. So are they proportions, equations, distributive property, ratios? What the heck do you want them to do? Well last night I finally found the algebra help that we needed. It's like Eureka! We have lift off. We can do some problems and actually understand them. At least until she walks into his room and and he totally confuses her again.

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Her Grace Lady Vonda the Infinite of Longer Interval
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