Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Graduation Seniors

Blogging from Bruce
Vonda Tedford Keon
May 17, 2008

For once I am writing a column that is proactive instead of reactive. In other words, I am actually getting ahead of the game or the event this week. May is graduation month. I am having a hard time trying to catch my breath in all the whirlwind activities that is going on with my own daughter. Last Tuesday evening was the Awards ceremony at BHS. We had a wonderful surprise when a Representative from MUW came and presented Ariel with 3 scholarships. I was pleased to know that my Alma Mater thinks enough of the one student in a small town 2 hours away to send someone. It was like getting a cherry on top of the chocolate sundae. Sweet!

In thinking about the graduates, I know they are all chomping at the bit to get out of school and on to the next phase of their lives. For some they know what the next phase is. They are going on to college. For others, they are going to sit it out and take a breather and figure out what they want to do. So for all of you graduating Seniors out there, I have composed a few things that could be called the 10 Commandments of graduation minus the Thou Shalts and Shalt not’s. Here goes!

1. Remember that it is by the Grace of God that you are here so keep yourself grounded. Tell yourself that each and every day. Thank you Lord for what today is going to bring. Thank you Lord for what happened today. Remember each day is going to put a new wrinkle on your brain.

2. Honor your father and your mother and quit parking the car in their yard and on their sofa. It is time for you to move on into college, into the workforce into where ever. It is time for you to spread your wings and be out on your own. Close your eyes and make that leap of faith. You can do it!

3. Don’t blame your parents for your problems. It’s your life, your opportunities, your successes, your mistakes. You had better learn to deal with things. Mom and Dad can’t get you out of those speeding tickets and poor grades any longer and they sure can’t write a letter trying to excuse you for missing work or class. A hang-over is not an excuse for sick leave!

4. Learn to deal with your money. Make a budget and live by it. It will be hard, I ought to know. Sometimes you will really want to eat that steak dinner but just suck it up and eat a bowl of cereal while you learn the value of the dollar and realize that you aren’t going to have a whole of lot of dollars for quite a while.

5. You will enjoy this summer because for the ones going off to college in August and September, your life is going to change big time! Enjoy this while you still can.

6. Honor that Alarm clock. You have to learn to get up on your own. The world doesn’t start at 10 am or 12 noon. If you wait until then to rise you sure won’t be shining and you will have missed half of the day. Mama and Daddy will not be there to roll your butt out of bed. Learn to deal with time and manage it. You can’t be a late sleeper very often at the next level of your life and get away with it.

7. Learn to read. Oh yeah yeah, you know how to read but do you know how to really READ? Do you read directions, read your professors assignments, read for knowledge, read for fun? (I am not talking about People Magazine either.) For Heavens sake, read a novel, read the newspapers. Educate yourself about the world you going into.

8. Get ready to compete. So far you might have been the big fish in the little pond. Well guess what? You are about to learn that there is always going to be somebody smarter, more connected, and more prepared than you. There is always going to be someone that is prettier, has better hair, and a nicer car than you. For you jocks out there, there is always going to be someone out there that is faster, stronger and bigger than you. I’m not saying you can’t accomplish your goals. You just need to be prepared for the competition and the extra work you will be required to do to achieve your goals. And to all you NERDS out there: This is a level playing field for you. Get out here and SHINE!

9. The quicker you learn that life is not ‘fair’, the better off you will be. Learn to deal with what life throws your way. Please do not confuse college with the real world. It is nothing like the working world. You will still be insulated from the real world. I had wonderful professors during my college career. But there were one or two that made Attila the Hun look like a sweet heart. (And a few bosses fell into that category too!)

10. Remember the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Happy Graduation to BHS, CCHS, VHS and Calhoun Academy Seniors. Spread your wings and FLY!
‘Nuff said’

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Her Grace Lady Vonda the Infinite of Longer Interval
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