Tuesday, August 27, 2013

thoughts on twerking and then I'll hush

My thoughts on Miley and then I'll hush up.

 She is not the first woman to do that disgusting dance. It's a strip dance move if you want to call such a move 'dancing'. The sad thing is people are all up in arms about a young woman that they have watched grow up in the public eye and now she has chosen to go down a wayward path all in the 'name' of 'finding her own way of expressing herself creatively'. And seeing the reaction of the teens and tweens in that audience should be very scary for parents..

 There is a generation that does not see that bumping and grinding and wearing practically nothing at all is not appropriate behavior. This is a generation of young women that do not see that THEY are making themselves into sexual objects and that they are drawing attention (wrong attention) to parts of their bodies all in the name of freedom of speech and expression. call it what you want ; twerking; booty popping; junk in the trunk; bumping and grinding; air sex.......the sexualization of America is flaunted and thrown into our faces on a daily basis. Are you old enough to remember when the playtex bra commercials were not shown using real models but a manniquin? Now is Victoria's Secret models prancing around streets wearing stripper heels ( I have a name for those that is not quite that nice!) and beautiful bras and panties to show off that Brazilian wax job ( I refused to do those in my salon after I did just one!).

 It is implied to women today that if you don't have a Brazilian wax, wear a thong so there are no panty lines, wear french-cut, push-up, water bras to lift and create cleavage, use all these feminine products when you bathe, wear sheer low cut blouses and shorts/skirts/dresses that show your naughty bits when you are standing up....then you are not attractive or alluring.

 Its all about the 'hook-up' and not about finding your soul-mate. Its all about the fleeting orgasmic rush and no thoughts about the feelings of emptiness that will eventually come. the sad truth is that young women (and a lot of old 'cougarish' women) have started thinking like a buck deer in rut.

 what Miley did on national television is shocking but she is a product of her generation and so really stupid advisers! She is not the first to do that booty popping she just happens to be infamous! Look around moms and dads, I will bet your little darlings know how to do that. Not saying they are doing it but they know. As we old people used to say a couple of decades back, the mystery is over!

 Pray for Miley, (she really needs it from the looks of it!) Pray for the young people of THIS nation and the young people of world! the Roman Empire fell because of debauchery. It looks like the US is going down that same path.

And THAT is all I have to say about THAT!

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