Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Just Random Tuesday thoughts about friendship

Did anyone ever have a BFF? A best friend forever? It sounds so childish doesn't it? People come and go through out your life and some touch you more than others. Some touch you in a good way and some leave scars that you have to sooth time and time again. Some are there for a short time, some are in and then out and then in again. Friendship is not a static thing. Or at least it hasn't been for me. I remember my first BFF. It started in the 1st grade. I was friends with most everyone in my classroom in 1959. One in particular I played with outside of school and during the summer. We shared Barbies and did all sorts of silly things together. Then as we got older and interests changed we grew apart and developed new friends. Somewhere around junior high age. Then along came highschool and O my Lord! I sure would not want to re-live those days. I still had my friends but being the geeky sort of person that I was, I was sure not in the 'in' crowd. And that used to bother me a little. All through my university years I had friends that had the same interests as I did. Everyone was an artist. I learned to pull from within and that a BFF was really not necessary.

Throughout my years on this earth I have had the priviledge of being friends with many men and women. I never have gotten really close to any one tho because of some things that have happened. I learned NEVER to share what I may of considered a deep dark secret. Those will get used against you somewhere down the road. I still will give the shirt off my back to someone that I care about it even if they do bite me. I just don't ever really understand why they turn on me. I am a sucker for a sob story most of the time. Even tho I am skeptical of some things and in my silent thoughts I am thinking, "yeah uh huh. You are so whiny or so _____ (fill in the blank with the adjective or your choice)" , I will still try and help someone. I suppose I am trying to fix things and make everything right for the other person. At my emotional expense usually.

A thought came to me this morning. It was not an epiphany, just an observation as I tried to call someone for the umpteeth time, I am always the one doing the calling. Maybe its because I am always moving around and doing something that I am not near a phone. Maybe people don't want to bother me. OR then again maybe its because I have rubbed people the wrong way. As someone has noted to me, I do tend to say what I think. Don't ask me if you look fat in those jeans. I might tell you yes. Just like I look fat in mine.

I married my BFF 17 years ago. And that is a good thing. I could be a lonely person with out him and my family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been lucky to have girlfriends all my life. Kathy Simon, Maria Brown, and Peggie Clements have been best friends sice elementary school, Darlene and Vicky ruth(greenville Ms.) have been best friends since Jr High also I have remained friends with Ricky Joe white and Jeff bennett since jr Hi. Linda Bennett and Geno came along in the 9th grade. Some friends have come and gone and then there all those like you that I have gotten to know in the last few years that I have learned to love dearly. I never knew you or Lisa untill a few years ago. Yes Vonda you are a little different but that is exactely what I love about you, you do say what is on your mind but so do I. The ones that know me best alwayes say "if you don't want to know the truth don't ask Carol" I do consider you a friend and if you ever need anything let me know!!!!carol

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Grace Lady Vonda the Infinite of Longer Interval
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