Thursday, November 30, 2006

thoughts on teaching

Each year I say that I am not going to teach any more children than the ones that I have. And then something happens that makes me change my mind. Like a child that calls and tells me why they want to be homeschooled or a mom calls with a child that has a special need. Then I have to sit and think and pray about it and see if I can add more veggies to the soup. I have had as many as 17 kids here before and that was some serious stress! By and large it has always been a good experience for everyone but I have had some very difficult times also. I have always known that I was not cut out to teach in the 'traditional' sense of the word. I was never one of those kids that fit into the round hole. I was the square peg. That is the kind of kids that I teach. Square pegs. That is not an insult to them. They just have different learning styles that don't fit in the 'traditional' schoolings methods.

I do use a curriculum that I use along with the Charlotte Mason method of teaching. I believe in reading, lots and lots of reading about anything and everything. Learning is a life long experience. And it should be enjoyable. Although I can think of a few times I learned some things that weren't too enjoyable. But life is like that you know!!

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