Friday, September 26, 2014

Living with Cancer part 5 the Raw Truth

       Death is a subject no one wants to think about.  It’s not even a topic that that people want to discuss.  Most people avoid talking about it, perhaps because they are afraid of the thought of dying or even being with a loved one during their final moments here on earth.  Most people will admit that they want a peaceful death, or a quick one with no suffering.  Others will say they are afraid of death.  Why? Because they don’t want to think about the pain and suffering that the dying person is experiencing , or is it because they have nothing to look forward to, or are they afraid they will not have eternal life? 
       No one knows exactly what happens at the moment of death as a person takes their last breath.  Christians believe that the Lord will meet them at that moment and they will be welcomed into Paradise to be reunited with their loved ones that have preceded them.  Even the Good Thief on the cross was forgiven by the Lord and promised Paradise even as the Lord was suffering for our sins.  So why is the discussion of death and dying so taboo?
          People are so afraid of death that they avoid being with their loved ones in their final hours.  They abandon precious moments because they are incapable of dealing with the truth of death.  Death hurts.  There is no doubt about that.  The dying process is tremendously draining emotionally and physically for the person dying and for the care givers.  My sister Lisa and I know this well as do the other family members that are involved with us in the caring of our Mother/sister/grandmother.  We are experiencing a rare gift in Moms’ final journey that some will find depressing and at times macabre.
          The raw truth of death hurts. Everything that is not real is stripped away when someone is dying.  It is in dying that you become the most real you will ever be…..More real than you have ever been.  For the caregivers, they have their layers of being stripped away also as they discover who they really are.  At the end of life, there is no point in fearing the inevitability of death.  Death is the one thing that we cannot escape.  I think that people that are ‘afraid’ to die are afraid to really live and love.
Being here with our Mother as she is reaching the end of her life has shown us the beauty and peace that comes out of the horrible suffering and pain that she is experiencing in her battle with brain cancer. Caring for her in her last days has been a test of our maturity and hers.  This is a journey that she has to do herself.  We can’t make it for her.  We will be making our own transition from this world to the next one day. 
Death should not be proud.  It is nothing.  It is not the end.  Yes, it is the end of life as we know it on this earth but it is the beginning of our new  life with the Lord and to be reunited in Heaven with our loved ones.  As a Christian I cling to that thought as I watch my sweet Mom sleep.  I cling to the thoughts that soon she will be healed by the Lord and will walk again and be pain free and whole again and be reunited with our Dad.  He was the love of her life and she has missed him terribly for the past 18 years since he passed. 
         Mom senses her life is ebbing away as her strength is weakening.  The tumors in her brain are causing her to lose her vision.  She doesn't say anything about it but we catch her covering the left eye trying to make sense of what she can see.  Her appetite is waning and she is drinking less and less.  She can’t stand or walk any longer as her body doesn't obey the commands she is giving it.  It’s very frustrating for her yet she still has that precious sweet smile and her wit is still sharp and she can still laugh when my sister and I do something that amuses her.  She doesn't want to take the pain pills and she balks at times and gives us that “mom” look but she knows we are just trying to keep her comfortable.  She understands that her time is short and she is not going to ‘win’ this fight.  But she also has the hope of what is to come.
          Is this easy for my sister and I?  NO! it is the hardest thing we have ever done.  We are grieving already seeing our precious mother slowly dying a little more each day.  We are angry that this horrible disease wasn’t found earlier when all the signs were there.  We have to find ways to release the anger.  We are sad at the thought of not seeing and talking to our mom everyday like we have pretty much every day of our lives.  The withdrawals that face us will be overwhelming at times I am sure.  But neither of us will have any regrets of the sacrifices that we are making for her.  She knows that we are doing everything that we can to care for her.  She knows that we love her more than we can express.  She knows she will not draw her last breath alone.  She knows we are not afraid.  We are facing that coward called death with our heads held high as we hold our sweet mothers’ hands in ours .   
           This is not the end for her we cling to the promise that she will be beginning her life in heaven healed and reunited with our dad. When it is our turn to face death, she and our dad will be there to meet us when we cross over. .  So we are not afraid to speak of death. It is not the end. It is the beginning.

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