Saturday, December 02, 2006

Saturday ramblings

One daughter is at work and one is at play. Lordy how I wish she would start getting a bit more mature. She is STILL in the tree climbing stage. I suppose I should be thankful that she isn't out chasing boys and getting into compromising situations like a lot of 14 year old girls I hear about. She would still believe in Santa if I hadn't told her about it years ago.

I've got to read about 6 chapters today for my class tomorrow and I have to pick up and vacuum around the house. You would think with two teenage daughters I might have a little help around the house. NOOOO! I used to keep a spotless house. That was before children and husband and working all the time. Boy do I wish I could be the mom on 'Leave It To Beaver'. Wouldn't that be a riot. Always wearing that dress with the belt and those pearls and happily cooking in the spotless kitchen and all of the family sitting at the table to eat at the same time. uh huh. Pipe Dreams...... I spent most of yesterday helping a friend organize her home. We did manage to find the living room. Just 4 more rooms to go for her. I threatened her bodily harm if she lets it go again.

Scott is on his way home from work. He is going to have to round up the playing child and get her to bag the leaves in the back yard. She is waiting for 'tomorrow'. After all Miss Scarlett tomorrow is another day!!!

Tonight I get to be a judge for the Christmas parade. Its going to be colder than a well diggers butt in Alaska! At least its a short parade. Then I'll come back home and sit in front of the heater and warm up drinking some coffee and finish my lessons for tomorrow. Theology is an interesting study. The study of God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a wanna "Leave it To beaver" mum, too - or maybe Mrs Brady from the Brady Bunch? Or Ma from the Little house series?

But it just doesn't work that way for me!

Love the glimpse into your life...

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Her Grace Lady Vonda the Infinite of Longer Interval
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